Follow Us!

Afraid you're going to forget this page?? (We are too) So we're doing everything in our powers to change that!
We don't think following us is creepy, in fact we encourage it! So here's what you can do!

Are you interested in blog rolls? We are more then welcome to add anyone to our blog roll. If you are interested, or have any other questions or comments; then please send an email to

Do you have a twitter?? Because WE have a twitter!!!/Best_ServedHot

By following us on twitter we can alert you to new and exciting/funny things that are happening in the world of food in 160 characters or less!!
However, don't fret if you don't have a twitter..
Because... We also have a Facebook page!! Now everyone and their grandmother has a facebook (thankfully not mine or I'd have to change a lot of settings.) So just click the link below and you can become a fan of something exciting.

On both accounts we will post tinyurls to the newest recipes on the page so you don't miss a beat!

Now, if you have a suggestion about what we should do like an RSS feed.. Feel free to explain it to me seeing have I have no idea on how they work.



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